الأربعاء، 10 فبراير 2016

Tourist areas in Angola

Angola is one of the beautiful countries in south-central Africa, which has many attractive tourist areas. Angola's capital Luanda is the city, which is bordered by Namibia in the south, and Zambia to the east, the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the north. Limiting the western part of Angola to the Atlantic Ocean.
Here, we will ask you some of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Angola.
Tourist Attractions in Angola
Moon Valley - Valley of the Moon
Moon Valley is one of the most unique landscapes in Angola, which is located on the coast, 40 km to the south of the Angolan capital, Luanda .Valley of the Moon
Kalendula - Kalendula Waterfalls Falls
Kalendula Falls is one of the most spectacular waterfalls, not only in Angola but also in the whole world. Kalendula Falls Geological enjoy the beauty of nature, which are located on the river and Kalla in Malang, Angola .stunning waterfalls
Black stones - Black Stones
Geological composition unusual in Angola is the "black stone", which is located near the Malang, Angola

Coating Beach - Coating Beach
If you want to go to a beach and enjoy a swim in Angola, you have to choose the best destination in the beautiful beach Coatinha beach in Benguela, Angola. Which are located in the city of Benguela in western Angola, south of Luanda. This unique beach is part of the Benguela Bay.

Tazua Falls Falls
Tazua Falls waterfalls is a captivating beauty in Rio Gwangju. This tourist spot is one of the richest sources of diamonds in Angola .Tazua Falls

Luanda Island - Luanda Island
Luanda Island is a beautiful tourist spot in Angola, which is located off the coast of Luanda. There are many resorts in the beautiful island and wonderful .The Island of Luanda

Luanda Bay - Bay of Luanda
Luanda Bay is one of the most beautiful bays in Angola.

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